Next Meeting: Commission on Ethics Monthly Meeting - Thursday, February 6, 2025 - 1:30 p.m. - Robert Weisman Governmental Center, 301 N. Olive Ave, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 - 6th floor BCC Chambers
Agenda and Attachments
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Section 2-446(a) of the Palm Beach County Code of Ethics (Code) states in part that the county or municipal administrator shall establish, by policy, a mandatory training schedule for all employees and elected or appointed officials, which shall include mandatory periodic follow-up sessions. Section 2-446(b) states in part that the Palm Beach County Commission on Ethics (COE) shall develop and deliver training programs and ensure that the training is delivered in a timely manner.
Pursuant to the Code sections above, the COE performs compliance reviews of each agency, and the objectives of each review are: