Palm Beach County Ethics

Palm Beach County Commission on Ethics

Palm Beach County Commission on Ethics

Kristin A. Vara-Garcia - Chair Michael S. Kridel - Vice Chair
Rodney G. Romano Peter L. Cruise Michael H. Kugler

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March 7, 2024 COE Agenda and Attachments

Next Meeting: Commission on Ethics Monthly Meeting - Thursday, February 6, 2025 - 1:30 p.m. - Robert Weisman Governmental Center, 301 N. Olive Ave, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 - 6th floor BCC Chambers

Agenda and Attachments

Click here to watch the meeting live on Channel 20

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Compliance Reviews

Section 2-446(a) of the Palm Beach County Code of Ethics (Code) states in part that the county or municipal administrator shall establish, by policy, a mandatory training schedule for all employees and elected or appointed officials, which shall include mandatory periodic follow-up sessions. Section 2-446(b) states in part that the Palm Beach County Commission on Ethics (COE) shall develop and deliver training programs and ensure that the training is delivered in a timely manner.

Pursuant to the Code sections above, the COE performs compliance reviews of each agency, and the objectives of each review are:

  1. To provide assurance that the agency has a training policy; 
  2. To provide assurance that the training policy includes enough specific information directed to officials and employees so they understand their training requirements, including the initial training timeline with defined deadlines and grace periods, and the retraining cycle timeline with defined deadlines and grace periods; and 
  3. To provide reasonable assurance the agency is requiring its officials and employees to comply with the training policy. 

Click here to see our Compliance Reviews/Audits compliance reviews (audits)